Committee Involvement and Volunteering

Get Involved in ASTA!

ASTA is always seeking qualified volunteers to work with the various committees to help execute the strategic goals of ASTA. Volunteering is a rewarding experience that allows you to connect with colleagues old and new, help shape ASTA’s activities and programs, and develop your professional skills. Do you know someone on your team that would want to be more involved?

If you or a colleague are interested in being invited to any of ASTA’s committees as a guest to see if serving on an ASTA committee is right for you, the first step is to complete this form below.  As a reminder you must be an ASTA member to serve on an ASTA committee or be invited as a guest to participate.

Beyond the current committees listed on the roster page, ASTA also regularly develops new task forces to work on special projects. Let us know what kind of volunteer opportunities you are interested in and we will let you know when the right opportunity comes available.

Are you ready?  Please fill in the form below and we will contact you.

Full Name (required)

Title or Department (optional)

Company (required)

Email (required)

Phone (optional)

Volunteer opportunity (required)

Volunteer Time commitment (required)

Please give us a little more information about yourself, volunteer interests, and contributions you can make to a specific committee (regulatory, quality, communication, marketing, etc.) (required)

For questions, please contact staff at