Spice Integrity Council

ASTA advocates for a global supply of pure, authentic spices and herbs. The mission of The Spice Integrity Council (SIC) will be to drive awareness, influence and guidance to empower members to detect, mitigate and prevent fraud in the spice and herb supply chain.

SIC Goals include –

  • Provide education and explore a self-regulatory program for the spice industry
  • Develop guidance on technology and analytical detection
  • Partner with key stakeholders including industry, academia and regulators to foster collaborations

It is ASTA’s plan to bring together leaders in the spice industry with experience and dedication to resolving challenges related to economically motivated adulteration. The ASTA Board of Directors has identified leaders in this space to sit on a steering council and we also plan to establish several task forces to execute these goals.

Spice Integrity Council (SIC) Member Roster 2019-2020
Spice Integrity Council (SIC) Roles and Responsibilities are to:

  • Actively participate in conference calls, approximately                                     once per 1-2 months
  • Participate in in-person meetings, approximately 1-2                                      times per year
  • E-mail communications related to SIC activities, as needed

General Goals and Objectives – Members of the SIC steering committee
are responsible for setting the focus and direction of the SIC activities.

Develop a work plan to execute the goals of the SIC:

  • Provide education and explore a self-regulatory program                                      for the spice industry
  • Develop guidance on technology and analytical detection
  • Partner with key stakeholders including industry,                                      academia and regulators to foster collaborations

Identify and help contact and engage individuals who would be
well suited to serve on task forces that are established to execute
these goals.

  • Review and guide task force progress.
  • Provide recommendations on budget allocations for                                        SIC activities.
  • Serve as a representative of the SIC initiative to the broader                            ASTA membership and spice industry.
Dan Cooper, Fuchs International
Kamal Baig, Griffith Foods
Tom Barry, Kalsec, Inc
Kazim Gurel (Chair), Kutas Group
Larry Lichter (Board Liaison), McCormick & Company, Inc.
Clare Menezes, McCormick & Company, Inc.
Pepe Sabater, Sabater Spices
Dr. Omre Sikili, Jayanti Herbs & Spices Steamlab Sterilizations
Vinay Sreekumar, Olam
Alfons van Gulick, NedspiceASTA Staff Liaison
Laura Shumow