ASTA 2020 Regulatory Workshop Sponsorship

Ambassador sponsors


 Diplomat sponsors


Spirit sponsor 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain exposure for your company. Sponsorships for the ASTA 2020 Regulatory Workshop are an exclusive members-only benefit.

You company’s generous support as a sponsor is greatly appreciated!

Spirit Sponsor $750 Diplomat Sponsor $1,500 Ambassador Sponsor $2,500
Your company logo will be featured prominently in marketing and promotion and on the website landing pages for the event.

Your company will also receive recognition on slides shown during the virtual presentations and be verbally acknowledged during opening remarks of each session of the workshop.

A company logo and/or advertisement image must be in an EPS or other high-resolution format (600 x 110 pxl) and submitted for inclusion, and staff will follow-up with you to obtain your file.

Your company will receive all Spirit Sponsor benefits.

Additionally, your company’s logo will be featured on ASTA’s LinkedIn page and you will receive advertising space in either FYI ASTA or ASTA Advocate (you may provide a preference for your choice of publication) for a three-month period.

A company logo and/or advertisement image must be in an EPS or other high-resolution format (600 x 110 pxl) and submitted for inclusion, and staff will follow-up with you to obtain your file.

Your company will receive all Diplomat Sponsor benefits.

However, you will receive advertising space in both FYI ASTA and ASTA Advocate. Additionally, you will receive advertising space on the ASTA website for a three-month period.

A company logo and/or advertisement image must be in an EPS or other high-resolution format (600 x 110 pxl) and submitted for inclusion, and staff will follow-up with you to obtain your file.


Proceed to Online Payment – Sponsorship opportunities are for member only. If you are a member, please login as a member before proceeding

To sponsor with a check payment, please mail in your agreement with payment.
Download 2020 Sponsor Agreement

Please visit us at for the latest information on this program. Questions? Contact Margarita Passero at (202) 331-2461 or mpassero@astaspice.