Microbial Safety and Process Validation White Papers

White papers are documents concerning issues of importance to the spice industry

Tshutterstock_146560184he white papers provide background information on an issue, as well as current information and details about ASTA activities. If you have questions about any of the white papers on this page, please contact ASTA at info@astaspice.org




Microbial Safety in Spices
A number of well publicized salmonella outbreaks traced to food have heightened public awareness of the need to ensure food safety programs are in place.  This white paper looks at the role microbiological testing can play.

Download Microbial Safety in Spices PDF version

Process Validation
One of the five key recommendations in ASTA’s Clean, Safe Spices Guidance is to use validated microbial reduction techniques.  ASTA’s new white paper provides an overview of essential elements for companies to consider in developing programs to validate the microbial reduction processes they use.

Download Process Validation PDF version